How to Import Your PhraseTrade NFTs on MetaMask (Android and iOS)

How to Import Your PhraseTrade NFTs on MetaMask (Android and iOS)

In this guide, we'll walk you through importing your PhraseTrade NFTs into your MetaMask wallet app. PhraseTrade operates on Arbitrum, so you’ll need to use the Arbitrum Sepolia testnet or Arbitrum One mainnet.

Step 1: Access Your Wallet's Private Key

  1. Prepare Your Wallet: Ensure you have the wallet that holds your NFTs accessible in MetaMask.

  2. Visit PhraseTrade: Go to for the mainnet or for the testnet. Log in to your account.

  3. Export Wallet: Navigate to the settings page, and under the "Wallet" section, click on Export Wallet.

  4. Complete Authentication: A pop-up will appear. Complete the authentication step to access your private key. Handle your private key with care, never share it with anyone, not even in secure settings like CCTV.

Step 2: Import Your Wallet into MetaMask

  1. Open MetaMask: Launch the MetaMask app.

  2. Add an Account: Tap on the main dropdown menu that shows your accounts and select the option to add a new account.

  3. Choose Import Account: This will open a field where you can paste your private key.

  4. Paste Your Private Key: Enter your private key and hit Import.

  5. Successful Import: Your wallet will now be successfully imported into MetaMask.

Step 3: Switch to the Correct Network

  1. Select the Network: Switch to Arbitrum Sepolia for testnet NFTs or add Arbitrum One for mainnet NFTs.

  2. Verify Network: Make sure you’re on the correct network to see your NFTs.

Step 4: Import NFTs

  1. Access the NFTs Tab: Swipe left to the NFTs section in MetaMask and click on the Import NFTs button.

  2. Enter Contract Address and Token ID: You’ll need the NFT contract address and the token ID:

    • Contract Address: For testnet NFTs, use 0x62BB1A135Fbf4315bb1c20bF82FB0D0eb11083D9.

    • Token ID: To find this, go back to your PhraseTrade app, open the page of the NFT you want to import, click on the three dots below the NFT image, and expand the NFT details section. Copy the NFT Token ID.

  3. Import the NFT: Paste the contract address and token ID into MetaMask and hit Import.

Final Step: View Your NFT

Within 10 seconds, your NFT should appear in your MetaMask wallet. This method works for any wallet that supports the ERC-721 standard.

Stay tuned for our next section, where we’ll cover how to list your NFTs for sale on OpenSea!